31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

The first were the bin men Darth Vador and Batman 
hopping off their truck, 
freeing urban landscape from overnight waste, 
with a huge smile. 
Then, Miss bunny rushed out of the platform 
while inside, 
Frolic golden hair Amadeus enjoyed his newly acquired plastic guitar emitting funny saxo sound.
It was on the street that Robin's style fully dressed-up monk run to his office with heavy duty boots...
At the end,
Little subway green monster with her mom, holding a bucket of lollies were the sweetest
Before night continued with Dracula band and pumpkin lights in the street.....

We're with you!

Opening Night
Amazing smile 
You did it all
Well done my beautiful!

28 October 2013

Road trip

L'univers est construit sur des dualités, 
une sorte d'antagonisme 
qui est source d'équilibre de toutes choses.
Les mesures de temps, d'espace et d'énergie 
sont relatives, 
elles sont propres à chaque observateur.
Marcher dans la nuit.

Une pensée pour Mickey Welsh, mort il y a 2 ans.

22 October 2013

My heart goes there...

Le passé c'est de l'histoire
Le future c'est un mystère
Le présent c'est un cadeau